Keker, Van Nest & Peters partner Travis Silva was named among California's Top 40 Lawyers Under 40 by the Daily Journal. The publication profiled his work defending the San Francisco Giants when ballplayer Jonathan "Mac" Williamson attempted to bypass union arbitration requirements in order to sue the team for an on-field injury. He is also represents three families separated from their children under the Trump administration’s zero-tolerance immigration policy with the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights. Travis is part of a Keker team working alongside the California Attorney General and San Francisco District Attorney’s Office to help curb the sale and distribution of untraceable "ghost gun" firearms that contribute to a staggering number of deaths each year.
Travis noted that his work as a former seventh-grade English teacher shaped his law practice.
"Teaching really was a lesson in learning how to communicate very clearly and effectively, and those skills translate well from the classroom to working with juries, judges and clients."