Corporate executives, attorneys, investors, and other intellectual property experts will discuss best practices, case examples, challenges and opportunities in valuing, managing, monetizing, structuring and defending IP assets. Unique to this conference are three separate tracks with tailored sessions on strategies for optimizing IP in connection with the following disciplines:
Track 1: Valuation and M&A - This track will include sessions on key valuation trends and issues impacting IP Strategy and transactions, exploring how IP impacts business decisions related to discovering, buying, selling or entering into collaboration arrangements for new product development, and an update on the M&A market and carve-out transactions.
Track 2: Tax and Transfer Pricing - This track will include discussions on Practical BEPS planning including onshoring of IP and guidance to remain compliant, Best practices in developing projections and covering probability weighted forecasts, and Nuances in Tax and Transfer Pricing Valuation with a special focus on Asia.
Track 3: Licensing, Litigation and Strategy - This track will include sessions on trends in the legal landscape for patents and trade secrets, strategies for the monetization of IP, as well as issues regarding IP in the context of a global business environment.
As part of Track 3, Keker & Van Nest Partner David Silbert will present "The State of IP Across Industry Verticals."
An agenda and registration information are available at this link.
About David Silbert
Mr. Silbert has won or favorably resolved cases in state and federal courts across the country. Mr. Silbert has successfully represented plaintiffs and defendants in patent cases involving cable television, semiconductors, medical devices, recombinant DNA, and numerous other technologies. He has defended several national law firms and their partners against claims of malpractice, and represented individuals in government and internal investigations.